? Aspen Ranch Canada - The Aspen Ranch
Aspen Ranch Canada The Aspen Ranch

The Aspen Ranch

In 1956 Jennifer and Nick immigrated to Canada from Europe. After many years of hard work Nick and his family were able to purchase a quarter section of land from Mr. Jack Schrader. Their plans were to ranch and do a little farming.

Aspen Ranch is now a working ranch.

Its year round cow /calf operation is run by a ranch foreman and visitors can see or experience cowboy life first hand. We have a great staff. Our volunteer program allows guests to get right in there and get their boots dirty. Our beef is organically grown and is enjoyed by many worldwide. . Those staying at the ranch will enjoy great home cooking with a Western and an Italian cuisine. Check out our Guest Ranch web site.

Many agricultural ventures are now turning to diversified operations and Aspen Ranch is no different. We have a honey bee farm with a lot of delicious products. When you visit, you can sample our pure Alberta honey that has many great flavors; depending on where the bees have traveled and at what time of the year the honey was harvested.

We have an Environmental Farm Plan at the ranch. As stewards of the land, we are called to be responsible and sensitive to our precious planet. Take a moment and view some of our seasonal pictures.


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